Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Paranormal experiences

      Well if you know me, you may know that I have experienced a lot of strange happenings in my life. My soldier story for example, scares the hell out of me and will continue to do so when the next stage of this experience will come to me sometime in 2013. I have written about this and have it online @ entitled 'The Soldier'. It is something that is completely true and something that I seriously fear.
      I have had experiences with what I believe to be ghosts or dead people. The most surreal of which took place early January 2010 in the apartment I am living in. While I was sleeping I was visited by the spirit of a 12 year old girl. I was half asleep when this experience happened. Just from her being in my room I somehow knew certain things about her without her actually telling me anything, such as I knew she was 12, and that her name was Mary Lou Kelly and that she was also known as Betty. She died in the mid to late 70's possibly from head trauma, she did tell me a couple of times that her head hurt. She also told me that she liked my long hair and she left after a few minutes when her father came to get her.  I had not seen her father but I did get a feeling that when he had come that he was out in the hallway, and Mary went out through the door to him. I also was able to sense something from him, I got a feeling that told me that this man was probably from Russia or the Ukraine, or possible from somewhere like that and that he was once a big strong man. I so far have been unable to prove her exsistance. It would be an incredible thing if I could find that a Mary Lou Kelly did exsist and that she passed away when she was 12.
      In early febuary of 2009 it snowed. I happened to have my camera with me so I took some photo's of the snow. One photo I took was on a bridge by the Square shopping center in Tallaght, Dublin. What showed up on the photo was something I guess I have been waiting for, for a long time. Proof that I do experience paranormal activity. In the photo which I have attached to this blog, there is a dark shadowy mass at the left hand side towards the rear of the bridge, I am alone on the bridge, there is no one there but I have clearly picked something up in the photo. Anyway that's it for now.

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