Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

      I always loved to write. It always was just for the fun of it, I never really took it seriously, but from posting my writings over the last 18 months I now feel a sence that maybe I have acomplished something. With about 44,000 views on what I have posted in those 18 months and plenty of nice comments, posting m writings will be something I will continue during 2011. Plenty of stories and plenty of idea's will keep me writing throughout the new year.
      So to everyone who has read anything I have written, commented, generally made me feel good about writing I thank you. Merry Christmas to one and all and to all an excellent new year.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Paranormal experiences

      Well if you know me, you may know that I have experienced a lot of strange happenings in my life. My soldier story for example, scares the hell out of me and will continue to do so when the next stage of this experience will come to me sometime in 2013. I have written about this and have it online @ entitled 'The Soldier'. It is something that is completely true and something that I seriously fear.
      I have had experiences with what I believe to be ghosts or dead people. The most surreal of which took place early January 2010 in the apartment I am living in. While I was sleeping I was visited by the spirit of a 12 year old girl. I was half asleep when this experience happened. Just from her being in my room I somehow knew certain things about her without her actually telling me anything, such as I knew she was 12, and that her name was Mary Lou Kelly and that she was also known as Betty. She died in the mid to late 70's possibly from head trauma, she did tell me a couple of times that her head hurt. She also told me that she liked my long hair and she left after a few minutes when her father came to get her.  I had not seen her father but I did get a feeling that when he had come that he was out in the hallway, and Mary went out through the door to him. I also was able to sense something from him, I got a feeling that told me that this man was probably from Russia or the Ukraine, or possible from somewhere like that and that he was once a big strong man. I so far have been unable to prove her exsistance. It would be an incredible thing if I could find that a Mary Lou Kelly did exsist and that she passed away when she was 12.
      In early febuary of 2009 it snowed. I happened to have my camera with me so I took some photo's of the snow. One photo I took was on a bridge by the Square shopping center in Tallaght, Dublin. What showed up on the photo was something I guess I have been waiting for, for a long time. Proof that I do experience paranormal activity. In the photo which I have attached to this blog, there is a dark shadowy mass at the left hand side towards the rear of the bridge, I am alone on the bridge, there is no one there but I have clearly picked something up in the photo. Anyway that's it for now.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


      I have been writing for a long time. It has always been something I have done just as a pastime, something just for myself, but over the years a lot of what I have written has been lost. The copies or notepads I wrote on have long since disappeared, so a couple of years ago I decided to start typing up what I can remember having written in the past along with anything new that I came up with, and instead of keepint them to myself I thought I'd put them up online. I never really thought much on what I had written as to whether or not it is any good.
      Before I came across, I'd post my stories to my bebo page and when I had a fair few typed up, I began reading short stories that were online mostly to see if what I wrote could stand along side what I read. As I said I never really believed what I wrote was particularly any good, but what I was reading online got me thinking, what I was writing isn't all that bad. So when I came across I saw that not only could I register with that site but I could also upload my stories too. Even though it is a site that people primarily go to for it's adult content, and that I don't write stories of an adult or erotic nature I thought I may as well stick with that site and see how I get on.
      In or around Febuary or March of 2009, months before I came across, I had a dream one night, quite a few of my stories come from dreams that I have had, but on this particular night I dreampt that I awoke in a dark room, chained to a chair and basically in this dream I was tortured. During being tortured, Recieved injuries to my left hand and to my nose, while also having hot wax poured onto my knees. When I awoke I had be sleeping in a fetal position. My knees in general are not in great shape, my left knee in particular had been badly injured in an accident from when I was 19 so when I awoke from my dream my bad knee was inflamed, my left hand was under my right elbow and the hand had 'gone to sleep' and my nose had been bleeding during the night. Weird how the injuries I recieved during my dream had been injected to reality. When I got up I completely forgot about this dream I had, and it was about a week or so later when it would come back to me.
      In this 'torture' dream I manage to escape my experience and make it to a petrol station where I collapse. The petrol station from my dream is an actual petrol station, a place I happened to be walking near to a week or so after I had my dream and all of a sudden I was his by this De Ja Vu feeling and the memories of this dream came rushing back to me. It was such a strange experience that I couldn't help myself, that I had to write a story based upon this dream. Naturally enough the story is entitled 'TORTURE'. It is a story which is very different to anything else I had written. I usually tend to write about the strange and bizarre, weird stuff that happens and stories about death and the afterlife, so when I wrote Torture I was initially afraid to put it up online. I suppose it is a violent tale and I felt that it was so different to anything else I had wrote that maybe I should just keep this one to myself.
      Eventually I did add it to my bebo page, and later after I had come across that short story website I put it up there too, and to my surprise TORTURE was getting more views and more comments than anything else I had added online. What people were telling me was that they liked the story but wanted it to be longer, and I was being asked if there were more parts to this story, and if there weren't more parts that there should be, so this got me thinking. There was quite a bit more I could do with this story. So i continued to write and soon I had five parts to my TORTURE story, with it not just focusing on physical torture but mental torture too.
       I continue to be surprised by the responce to this story. As I mentioned earlier I had never really taken my writing seriously, I have never entered any competitions, I have never submitted a story for publication anywhere else but having them online, so imagine my surprise when I was contacted in October of 2010 by the editor of an American short story magazine asking if they could publish my TORTURE story. I told the editor that she could indeed pblish it, she had just read the first part so when I told her that there were five parts in total, she asked that I send on to her all five parts along with a brief bio of myself, something which of course I did do.
      So if you do read my TORTURE tale I hope you read all five parts and I hope you like what you read.            Take care until next time. KARL.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Short Stories

Hi my name is Karl O'Connor. I have been writing short stories for a long time now. Unfortunately A lot of what I have written over the years has been lost. A couple of years ago I decided to start typing up stories that I still have or could still remember, along with newly written stories. I came across a website in June of 2009 and began to post my writings there, and have been getting a really positive responce so far. I would love to make a career out of writing, and even though I have been getting such a positve responce, I still wouldn't be confident enough in what I do write. Something that is aiding my confidence is that an American magazine showed intrested in one of my stories asking if they could publish it. Seeing that I have never forwarded anything I have to magazines or never entered any writing competitions, the fact that an editor to a magazine asked me for one of my stories has aided my confidence. Anyway I write with the pen name of Actung. So for me now it comes down as to if I should attempt to have myself a writing career or just keep it as a hobby and continue to post online.